Session Replay filtering and rules

The unique beauty of Zuko’s Session Replay is that you can filter down your sessions to focus only on specific frustrations that users have been having with your forms. This guide shows you how to do that.

Firstly, as with any Zuko report, you can filter the audience by custom attribute. This can be one of the standard Zuko attributes (Session outcome, browser, device type, operating system, autofill use or visitor type) or ones that you have set up yourself.

Once you have selected your audience you can click on ‘More filters’ to add criteria based on in-form behaviour.

You can filter based on the abandonment point of the user and also specify which fields you want them to have interacted with:

Finally, you can specify users who have had a certain amount of field returns or spent a certain amount of time. This can be set for the form as a whole or for an individual field. Simply select the metric you want to create a rule for, specify the field, and set the value parameter. Once you click ‘Apply Rule’ you’ll see a relevant set of user sessions in the Session Replay view.

As an example of how filtering might be used to complement your analytics data; say you saw from your Field Data that a high proportion of sessions return to the phone number field. In this case, you could filter sessions based on Returns, targeting the phone number field and a minimum number of times they returned there. This would give you all the sessions where people bounced back and forth from the phone number field and quickly help you see why they were getting frustrated.

If you’d like any help getting the right filters set up for you then feel free to contact us at

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