Install Zuko on WP Forms

How to add Zuko tracking to your WPForms form

WPForms is one of the most popular form building tools globally and is used by a diverse range of users on their WordPress sites. 

Because WPForms are used across such an array of different industries, you need a flexible form analytics tool to optimise your form and increase your conversion rates. Zuko is the easy-to-use form analytics solution that will help you to identify where your users are abandoning and allow you to make the changes you need to stop them from doing so!

Zuko should be simple to set up on your WPForms form in the standard way but for your convenience, here is a step-by-step guide to get your forms tracking quickly. 

Please note that your WordPress account should allow you to add Custom HTML to deploy the Zuko tags to your page. 

Step 1 - add a form to your Zuko account

Once you’ve signed up to Zuko and you’re in your account, click on Add Form on the dashboard, and you will be directed to the page below: 

Zuko add form

Fill out your organisation details, the main contact, the label (how you would like the form to appear in Zuko), and the URL the form is hosted on. 

Step 2 - Zuko tracking codes

Zuko has two tags you'll need to add to your dorm: an activity tracking tag and a completion tag. For deeper information about the Zuko tags, read the separate in-depth guide here.

You will find these tags embedded on the Tracking Code page within your Zuko account. See below for an example.

Zuko Tracking Codes

Step 3 - adding the Zuko codes to your form

There are two ways to add the Zuko tracking codes to your WPForms form. Most users prefer to use a tag manager to fire the tags onto your site, but you can also embed the codes directly into the HTML of the page itself. 

If you are adding the Zuko tracking codes directly to the HTML of your page, you should place them towards the bottom of the <body> to make sure the form is on the page before the Zuko script is read.

If you are using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to add Zuko to your site, WordPress have produced a handy guide to set up GTM on your WordPress website here 

The key points to note are:

Fire the activity code when the WPForms form appears on your page. This is the Zuko tag that will track the interactions the user makes with your form. It contains a unique id, or ‘slug’, that will allow Zuko to track your form.

Fire the completion tag when you know that your form has been successfully submitted- this is usually on a “Thank You” page or similar. This code also contains the form’s unique slug. 

If you wish to learn more about adding the tracking codes to your forms, this is explained in more detail here 

If you need any support on getting Zuko set up on your WPForms form, please contact and the team will be happy to help.

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