Insights Report Guide

One of the requests we get from some of our clients is “just tell me the answer quickly”. Zuko has been designed to deliver the world’s most in-depth behavioural data and insights for online forms. This is great if you have the time and inclination to run through everything and come to your own conclusions.

Not everyone has that luxury, however, which is why we have created the insights report. It has been designed to bring together in one place some of the metrics that pinpoint where the UX issues are in a form.

We are wary, though, of a “smoke and mirrors” approach. We don’t want to create “friction scores” based on spurious algorithms. Instead we pull the pertinent data into one place so you can draw conclusions yourself. 

The report is broken down into two sections. The first gives you the key trends for your form that have been pulled from other reports. The second runs data for three audience segmentations and reveals any significant abandonment differences between the segments.


Form Data

The first box in the headline report will show you trends for 4 metrics - the figure for the period selected and a comparison with the preceding period (of the same length):

Views - How many people reached your form

Starter to Completion Rate - The percentage of visitors who interacted with your form and successfully completed

Completion rate for desktop - The starter to completion rate for desktop visitors only

Completion rate for mobile - The same figure for mobile visitors

(Note that the overall starter to completion rate will also include visitors using a tablet device as well as mobile / desktop)

Field Data

This report will show you key metrics for individual fields and how they have changed since the last period. Specifically, they are:

The field with the most abandonments (by volume)

The field with the highest abandonment rate (percentage of people interacting with the field who abandoned on it)

The field with the highest return rate

The fields with the biggest difference in return rate between abandoners and completers - this reveals user friction that is related to abandonment. Read more about this metric in our guide to analysing behavioural differences.

Submit Data

This report shows you the volume of failed submissions you are getting and also the most common fields that users bounce back to following a failure. It essentially reveals the fields that users jump back to and try to fix but end up dropping out after failing to do so. It’s a great metric to quickly identify where your visitors are struggling.

You’ll need to use the dropdown on the table to set the submit button for your form.

Key Segment Differences

This report has been designed to surface any significant differences between audience groups on individual fields. It takes three segmentations - Device Type, New Vs Returning, Operating System - and displays where there is a significant difference in abandonment rate between the audience segments.

This will allow you to identify if a certain user group is struggling with a particular field. For instance, if mobile users are dropping out on a question at a higher rate than desktop users there may be UX issues that affect mobile users only. This helps you home in and develop more accurate hypotheses for improvement.

Note that the report will only show fields with a significant difference in abandonment rate (to a maximum of three). If there are none the report will be blank.

As an example, look at the image below. We can see 100% dropoff for iOS on a phone number question (compared to 2.8% for Android) - this is a clear indication to check and test this field interaction.

In addition, if we look at the Device Type we can see that there is a significantly higher mobile abandonment rate for the “Intention” field. This indicates an issue that requires investigation. However, if we move across to the Operating System data we can see that iOS users actually have a similar abandon rate to desktop visitors. It is Android users that have the problem that is driving drop-out. This means we can limit our investigation and hypotheses to the Android environment.

If you want to drill down into the field data further, you can do so by using the Field Segment Comparison tool.

This is just the latest iteration of the Insights report. We’re always working to improve it further and would like feedback to help us do that. If you have any thoughts on new metrics / graphs you would like to see, or any suggested improvements for the existing ones then please let us know at

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